We are well into the first semester at CAG and so much has happened already! I have some awesome classes this year and am enjoying getting to know each of the students. The first week of school, basketball practices also began and shortly into the third week we had games already! We have a lot of new girls this year trying their hand at basketball for the first time. It has been a joy to work with them and to watch them grow and learn.
Each day is a new adventure and I praise God as I see him working and protecting us and our school community.I am continuing to learn day by day how much I need to rely on him and stop trusting in my own strength.
The situation in Guatemala continues to be rough as our "rainy season" has had very little rain. The farmers in the different regions of Guatemala are suffering greatly and the president has declared what is like a state of emergency asking other countries to help out with food for the thousands who are starving. This Saturday students from CAG will help package donated food that will be sent out to help those families. Rainy season ends in October and we'll beheaded into one long dry spell until next May so the situation doesn't look like its going to get any better anytime soon.
As I write this, Edgar is working hard on a seminary paper/project in the other room. He will be finishing up the semester at Seteca the first week in October. After that he has a few projects lined up with the church that I'm sure will keep him busy as well as taking a few 4th semester classes to get ahead on some things.
Praises and Requests:
- We have seen God protection over us and our community over the past few weeks
- Edgar's music ministry is growing and expanding and we are excited to see what the future holds for him
- A wonderful new group of teachers this year to meet the needs at CAG
Please pray for:
- The Guatemalan food crisis
- For peace on our streets and for the safety of those here
- For God to touch the hearts of people to provide the support we need to continue our work
If you would like to know more about our ministry in Guatemala or are interested in supporting us check out our website http://cojonmissions.webnode.com/ or email me at lugarensol@yahoo.com