This past week we were able to visit Concord Presbyterian Church, who have supported us since 2007! It was wonderful to give an update on what we are doing and to see and visit with old friends. The church always makes us feel like we are coming home. We are excited to go back on Monday to help with their vacation Bible school!
Please be praying for us this weekend as we go to New Bedford Presbyterian Church on Sunday to share a Guatemala update (looking forward to seeing all our friends from there!)
We will also be leaving on Tuesday to drive 9 hours to Wisconsin! We will be visiting with Edgar's brother, Paco, and his family! Pray for safe and easy travels!
Thank you to all who have supported us and our ministry! We are so blessed to have you as part of our team!
Many Blessings
Laura, Edgar and Nathan Cojon
For support info go
to: Having some fun at Idewild Park with the family this week!