Thursday, September 23, 2010


Living in Guatemala has given me a new appreciation for all things water.  Hot water, water pressure, clean water, running water,  . . . so much that I had taken for granted in the past.  Our latest water discomfort happened this week when our second and last electric water heater on our shower made a loud popping noise and started smoking.  Our first water heater had gone out a few months ago and we had still not gotten it repaired.  No more hot water.  After a few days of freezing showers we finally decided to try and fix the first water heater. 
Now of course the time that we picked to try and do this was around 11pm at night as we were considering having to shower the next morning in the cold water - which we would have to do before 7am because our neighborhood's water was going to be shut off at that time.  When you fix anything electric, you have to shut off the electricity.  So there we were, 11pm at night in a shower filled with candles and a small flashlight trying to take the thing apart and find the problem.
All things involving electricity tend to scare me, but thankfully my husband is a lot more brave.  Some wire cutters, a knife and a lot of electrical tape later . . . da da da dah! We had hot water!
 Picture taken with camera flash

Working by flashlight

That, my friends, is HOT water! :)

Thank you God for hot water and a wonderful husband!

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